TC2022-09 Tom Brooks Retaining Wall Extension
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 9/25/21 2:00pm |
Company & Contacts
151 Walnut St, Collierville, TN 38017
See bid documents on process to become a qualified bidder for this project
Bid Information
All sealed bids must be received and time stamped on or before Wednesday, AUGUST 25, 2021, 2021 2:00:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) in the office of the Director of General Services, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, Tennessee 38017, at which time or soon thereafter the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Town Board Chambers.
All Bids are video recorded and can be viewed HERE
Scope of Work
Work of this project consists of the installation of a Modular Block Mechanical Retaining Wall. Construction shall consist of all required grading for the project, construction of modular block retaining wall and drainage and granular material needed for backfilling. The Town of Collierville will provide all borrow earth materials for this project.
Town of Collierville solicitations are only available through the Town’s Procurement office, which is the sole, official authority for all Town solicitations. Contractors planning to participate in any Town of Collierville solicitation must obtain an official set of bid documents and any addenda directly from the Procurement office and comply with any additional procedures as may be required. The Town of Collierville shall not be responsible for solicitation information or documents provided by any source other than that provided by the Town of Collierville’s Procurement office.