Public Jobs
Bids Due in 21 days
2/11/25 2:30pm
Council Chamber Renovations for City of Shelby
Bids Due in 21 days
Upland Architects
300 South Washington St., Shelby, NC 28150
This project consists of Council Chamber Renovations for the City of Shelby. Included in this project is window and door replacement. Only a portion of the building will be renovated as delineated in the drawings. Most of the windows and several of the exterior doors will be replaced and indicated in the drawings.
Bids Due in 29 days
2/19/25 2:00pm
63498 - JSCC Administration Building Exterior Update
Bids Due in 29 days
Allen & Hoshall
Jackson State Community College, Jackson, TN
Exterior renovation of the existing Administration Building on the Jackson State Community College campus. Renovation includes removal and replacement of masonry, windows, insulation, roof drainage accessories, lighting and storefront. New finishes include metal wall panels and various other exterior items.
Bids Due in 15 days
2/5/25 2:00pm
TC2024-40 Shelby Dr. Improvements from Sycamore to SR-86, TDOT PIN 125568.00
Bids Due in 15 days
Town of Collierville
Collierville, TN
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Shelby Dr. Improvements from Sycamore to SR-86 This project involves the widening of existing Shelby Drive (rural 2-lane cross section) to a 4-lane urban cross section roadway with raised median, curb & gutter, and sidewalk from Sycamore Road to SR-86 (US-72). The project consists of grading, drainage, pavement, bridge, signage & marking, traffic signal and the following non-participating items: water, sewer and irrigation. Project length is 1.262 miles.
Bids Due in 35 days
2/25/25 2:00pm
Electronic bidding
MHA Exterior Renovations at Montgomery Plaza - Solicitation No. CI 25-B-00707
Bids Due in 35 days
Memphis Housing Authority
Memphis, TN
The Project consists of roofing and exterior building repairs, etc.
Bids Due in 17 days
2/7/25 9:00am
Main Street and Kearns Lift Station Renovations
Bids Due in 17 days
Town of Atoka
500 Main Street and 80 Kearns Circle, Atoka, TN 38004
ARPA Project ID: WW-PDC-CG: The Main Street and Kearns Lift Station Renovations is a sanitary sewer rehabilitation with several functions for the residential community.
Bids Due in 15 days
2/5/25 12:00pm
Glenview Park Pavilion
Bids Due in 15 days
City of Memphis - Division of Park and Neighborhood Services
Memphis, TN
Project consists of: Construction of one new pavilion with furnishings (tables/trash receptacles, grills), one aggregate vehicular drive and parking area, benches, bench pads, modular retaining wall, some tree removal and tree planting, site grading and sidewalks.
Bids Due in 9 days
1/30/25 10:00am
Freedom Elementary School
Bids Due in 9 days
Rufus Johnson Associates
Clarksville, TN
BID # 25-5979-CN: This project consists of the construction of a new Pre-K through 5 elementary school facility of approximately 122,680 gross square feet area.
Bids Due in 22 days
2/12/25 2:00pm
TC2025-28 Signalization Hwy 72 (SR 86) @ Sycamore
Bids Due in 22 days
Town of Collierville
Collierville, TN
This project includes the installation of a traffic signal system at the intersection of Hwy 72 and Sycamore Road. The scope of work includes traffic control, traffic signal installation, sodding and other items of work as called for in the contract documents as required for a completed project.
Bids Due in 15 days
2/5/25 2:00pm
Water System Improvements DeKalb County, TN
Bids Due in 15 days
Barge Design Solutions
DeKalb County, TN
The Project consists of approximately 6450 linear feet (LF) of 12-inch water main in DeKalb County along Sparta Highway (State Route 70), air release valves, gate valves, fittings, hydrants, together with miscellaneous civil work shown in the Contract Drawings and required for a complete functioning system. The water main installation includes, but is not limited to, three trenchless crossings of Sparta Highway, totaling approximately 179 LF. The project also consists of the development, implementation and maintenance of stormwater erosion and sediment control best management practices to comply with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation General Permit Number TRN100000.
Bids Due in 15 days
2/5/25 2:00pm
63526 - JSCC Nelms Classroom Restroom Updates
Bids Due in 15 days
Allen & Hoshall
Jackson State Community College, 2046 North Parkway, Jackson, TN 38301
SBC Project No. 166/019-01-2024: This project includes renovation of one set of restrooms in the Nelms Classroom Building. Work includes reconfiguration of these restrooms into four unisex bathrooms. Existing mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are being modified or replaced to accommodate these changes and make required code updates.