1053-56 - Bolivar Housing Authority Roof Replacement at TN050-001, TN050-002, TN050-003

Work of this Contract includes Roof Replacement of a total of 37 Buildings.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 6/6/24 10:00am
Bid Date 6/20/24 11:00am

Company & Contacts

Wilbanks Architecture & Associates
David Hays  
(901) 867-5220


Bolivar, TN

Bid Information:

Sealed bids for Roof Replacement of 7 Buildings at Development TN050-001 (Northside), 21 Buildings at Development TN050-002 (Eastside), and 9 Buildings at Development TN050-003 (Chickasaw) located in Bolivar, TN, will be received by The Bolivar Housing Authority, 621 Hatchie Haven, Bolivar, TN 38008 on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

One (1) complete set of bidding documents, drawings, and specifications in electronic or paper format shall be obtained from Memphis Reprographics, 6178 Macon Road, Memphis, TN 38134, telephone (901) 381-9811 for a fee. Bid documents are not refundable. However, bid documents may be viewed on-line prior to purchasing them. All bids must be submitted on forms furnished by the PHA, as contained in the Project Manual and detailed within.

Pre-Bid Information:

A Prebid Conference will be held for the purpose of answering questions Bidders may have and to consider any suggestions they may wish to make concerning the project at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, June 6, 2024, at the Housing Authority’s Office, 621 Hatchie Haven, Bolivar, TN. Immediately following the Prebid Conference, a walk-through of the project will be held by the Owner. All contractors are strongly recommended to attend this walk-through and Prebid Conference.