63483 - Mark Anton Airport Terminal Reroof

“Work" of this Contract is defined in the Contract Documents to include the removal and replacement of approximately 2,300 square feet of standing seam metal roof. The scope of the work includes all gutters and downspouts, insulation replacement as needed, plywood sheathing replacement as needed, removal of existing metal roof and replacement, and other related work as shown on the drawings and/or in the specifications.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 8/20/24 2:00pm
Bid Date 9/4/24 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Allen & Hoshall
Rob Thew  
(423) 498-5357


Dayton, TN

Bid Information:

Bids to be opened Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., Local Time.

Sealed proposals will be received by City of Dayton at the 399 1st Ave, Dayton, Tennessee, 37321 until 2:00 p.m. Local Time on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, and at that time opened and publicly read for the construction of the following described project:


TAD Project No.: 72-555-0153-24

Project Location: MARK ANTON AIRPORT

Pre-Bid Information:

A pre-bid conference has been scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Local Time, on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at the Mark Anton Airport, for the purpose of discussing the scope of the project and answering questions. Attendance at this conference is not mandatory in orderto be eligible to submit a bid.

Hard copy full sets of plans and specifications are available for purchase at contractors expense, or files may be downloaded for free from our online plan room. To download files, you must register for a free account, if you already have an account, simply log in and select “Download” this entire job. Then proceed to the download queue on the left menu bar to receive your downloaded files. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862.