TC2025-24 Painting Mast Arms and Streetlights Distribution

This project consists of the surface preparation and repainting of one (1) to eleven (11) intersections and five (5) to fifteen (15) decorative streetlights as required for a completed project. Each intersection may contain traffic signal mast arms, mast arm poles and related pedestrian poles. The following tables show the approximate lengths and heights of the mast arm poles, mast arms and pedestrian poles for each intersection.
Bid Packages (click to expand/collapse)
Complete bid packages are available from the Procurement Division, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Interested parties may visit the Procurement Division’s Bid and RFP webpage at or call 901-457-2250 for further solicitation information.
Name Size
TC2025-24 Bid Distribution Form 222.4 KB
TC2025-24 Notice of Formal Bid Release 217.9 KB
TC2025-24 PRC Invitation to Bid 5.2 MB