Glenview Park Pavilion

Project consists of: Construction of one new pavilion with furnishings (tables/trash receptacles, grills), one aggregate vehicular drive and parking area, benches, bench pads, modular retaining wall, some tree removal and tree planting, site grading and sidewalks.
Addenda (click to expand/collapse)
The Consultant will forward one (1) copy of all addenda to holders of each set of documents. All such addenda will become a part of the contract documents and subject to all conditions contained therein and must be listed on the Bid Form for the bid to be accepted. Note: no addendum shall be issued within four (4) calendar days prior to the date set for opening of bids, unless said addendum, delays the opening of said bids.
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Name Size
Addendum 1 - Glenview Park Pavilion 132.0 KB
Addendum 2 - Glenview Park Pavilion 488.6 KB
Addendum 3 - Glenview Park Pavilion 2.2 MB