Council Chamber Renovations for City of Shelby

This project consists of Council Chamber Renovations for the City of Shelby. Included in this project is window and door replacement. Only a portion of the building will be renovated as delineated in the drawings. Most of the windows and several of the exterior doors will be replaced and indicated in the drawings.
Bid Documents (click to expand/collapse)
Hard copy full sets of plans and specifications or a digital set will be available for purchase. To download files, you must register for a free account, if you already have an account, simply log in and select “Download” this entire job. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862
Name Size
001 A-001 5.0 MB
002 A-002 565.8 KB
003 A-003 7.2 MB
004 A-101.0 446.5 KB
005 A-101.1 458.9 KB
006 A-101.2 573.6 KB
007 A-102.0 568.6 KB
008 A-102.1 524.8 KB
009 A-102.2 769.4 KB
010 A-201 533.2 KB
011 A-301 931.4 KB
012 A-302 681.4 KB
013 A-303 680.8 KB
014 A-304 576.5 KB
015 A-305 572.1 KB
016 A-401 848.7 KB
017 A-501 516.5 KB
018 A-600 441.8 KB
019 W-700 570.7 KB
020 W-701 468.7 KB
021 W-702 470.8 KB
022 W-703 454.4 KB
023 W-704 454.7 KB
024 W-705 518.5 KB
025 W-706 530.5 KB
026 W-707 495.4 KB
027 P1 325.0 KB
028 P2 311.3 KB
029 P3 317.8 KB
030 P4 487.7 KB
031 M1 312.8 KB
032 M2 447.1 KB
033 M3 538.6 KB
034 M4 834.2 KB
035 E1 820.3 KB
036 E2 329.4 KB
037 E3 320.1 KB
038 E4 478.0 KB
039 E5 429.7 KB
040 E6 403.7 KB
041 E7 474.1 KB
042 IN-0.0 2.5 MB
043 IN-1.0 1.4 MB
044 IN-1.1 1.2 MB
045 IN-1.2 1.4 MB
046 IN-1.3 1.5 MB
047 IN-1.4 1.3 MB
048 IN-1.5 1.3 MB
049 IN-1.6 1.2 MB