TCAT Memphis - Elevators and Building Improvements

The project is to renovate the former Automotive Technology and Welding Technology training areas.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 3/24/25 9:00am
Bid Date 4/2/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Canup Engineering, Inc.
David Canup  
(901) 233-8425


550 Alabama Ave., Memphis, TN 38105

Bid Information:

SBC PROJECT NO. 166/070-01-2023


Southwest Tennessee Community College – Macon Cove Campus, 5896 Resources Drive, Physical Plant Conference Room, Memphis, TN Until 2:00 pm, local time On Wednesday, April 2, 2025


TCAT Memphis, 550 Alabama Ave., Memphis, TN 38105 At 9:00 am, local time On Monday, March 24, 2025

Summary of Work:

The project is to renovate the former Automotive Technology and Welding Technology training areas. The work includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Modernization of existing elevator in education building.

  2. Replacement of existing vertical platform lift in the administration building.

  3. Rebuilding of vertical platform lift shaft walls.

  4. New finishes.

  5. New HVAC equipment.

  6. New electrical connections to new equipment.

  7. Replacement of existing roof-top HVAC units including all associated electrical and mechanical connections.

  8. Provide and install new mechanical platforms on the roof.