V.d. Parrott Jr. Water Treatment Plant High Service Pump Station

Demolition of existing high service pumping equipment, piping and structures located in three separate buildings on the site. Construction of a new 48 MGD firm capacity high service pump station and associated yard piping improvements.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 1/14/25 10:00am
Bid Date 2/6/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Barge Design Solutions
Meghan Simmons  
(706) 321-4590


Dalton, GA

Bid Information:

Sealed Proposals for the V.D. PARROTT, JR WATER TREATMENT PLANT HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION for the BOARD OF WATER, LIGHT AND SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF DALTON, GEORGIA D/B/A DALTON UTILITIES (“Owner”) will be received at the V.D. Parrot Water Treatment Plant Conference Room, 4410 Mitchell Bridge Road, Dalton Georgia 30722 until 2:00 P.M. local time February 6, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be addressed to “Attn: Jonathan Melton.”

Bidder Pre-Qualification: Pre-qualification of Bidders for the Project is required. The Pre-Qualification requirements are a part of the Instructions to Bidders of the Project Manual. Applications for pre-qualification for bidding will be received at the Dalton Utilities Administration Building, 1200 V.D. Parrott Jr. Parkway, Dalton, Georgia 30721 until 4:00 P.M. local time January 9, 2025. Only Bids submitted by properly pre-qualified Bidders will be opened.

Pre-Bid Information:

A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for January 14, 2025 at 10:00 A.M. local time, at the V.D. Parrott Jr. Water Treatment Plant Conference Room, 4410 Mitchell Bridge Road, Dalton, Georgia 30722. Attendance is mandatory. A Bid submitted by a Bidder which did not attend the Pre-Bid Conference will not be opened and will be returned to the Bidder.

Hard copy full sets of plans and specifications will be available for purchase at contractor’s expense, which will be fulfilled by the Barge Design Solutions, Inc.’s Planroom (https://bidding.bargedesign.com/) To purchase a hard copy set or download files, you must register for a free account, if you already have an account, simply log in and select “Download” this entire job. Then proceed to the download queue on the left menu bar to receive your downloaded files. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-381-9811. Call prior to picking up documents to ensure availability. Partial sets of the Bidding Documents will not be available directly from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of bidding documents including addenda, if any are obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office. No part of the purchase will be refunded.