Glenview Park Pavilion
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date | 2/4/25 10:00am |
Bid Date | 2/12/25 12:00pm |
Company & Contacts
Memphis, TN
Bid Information:
Sealed bids will be received at the Office of the City of Memphis Purchasing Agent, Room 354, City Hall, 125 N. Main, Memphis, TN 38103, until 12:00p.m. February 12th ,2025, for furnishing the City of Memphis with the following:
FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF: Gleview Park Pavilion
One (1) complete set of bidding documents, drawings, and specifications in electronic or paper format shall be obtained from Memphis Reprographics for a fee. Bid documents are not refundable. However, bid documents may be viewed on-line prior to purchasing them.
For questions about ordering copies and/or downloading files please call Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862.
Pre-Bid Information:
The Mandatory pre-bid meeting previously scheduled for JANUARY 28th, 10AM has been changed to FEBRUARY 4th, 10AM (SAME LOCATION). Please note vendors interested in submitting a proposal must attend the pre-bid meeting to be eligible to submit a bid. Please ensure you sign in upon arrival to the meeting.