166-017-03-2024 DSCC Gymnasium Roof Replacement

This project consists of the demolition and renovation of 4 existing roof areas for the Dyersburg State Community College Gymnasium, approximately 34,000 SF and their associated components. Existing roof assemebles are a mixture of concrete and tectum deck with EPDM roof membranes. Renovations consist of installing new 2-ply roof membranes, improving roof drainage, upgrading insulation values, providing new flashing and curbs as necessary at all existing penetrations and paraples.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 3/10/25 10:00am
Bid Date 3/26/25 3:00pm

Company & Contacts

Andrew Adams  
(901) 490-9844


1510 Lake Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024

Bid Information:


Southwest Tennessee Community College - Macon Cove Campus

5896 Resources Drive, Physical Plant Conference Room, Memphis, TN

Until 3:00 pm, local time, On Wednesday March 26, 2025

Digital Link: Meeting ID: 227 479 009 528

Passcode: 3jb7TG36

Pre-Bid Information:


Dyersburg State Community College Gymnasium - Room 152, 1510 Lake Rd. Dyersburg, TN 38134

At 10:00 A.M., local time, On Monday March 10, 2025

Hard copy and digital full sets of plans and specifications will be available for purchase at contractors expense. To download files, you must register for a free account, if you already have an account, simply log in and select “Download” this entire job. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862.